Tutor Profile - Luke

Featured tutor Luke, tutor number TUT1093
Tutor numberTUT1093
First nameLuke
LocationOnline tuition only
Years tutoring9
DBS / CRBDated 30 Jun 2021
Rate per-hourRates from £30.00 to £35.00

The tutor says of himself:

With seven years of teaching experience under my belt, along with prior tutoring experience in both individual and group contexts, I believe I am well-placed to help support the learning outcomes and attitudes of children.
I have worked in a range of schools and supported children with a range of different needs and socio-economic backgrounds. I am able to support all children to make great progress by setting high expectations and using appropriate, personalised scaffolds – such as representations, sentence stems and procedural variation to achieve these learning targets.
In my sessions, children build their knowledge in manageable chunks to ensure they have a strong understanding before moving on to the next step of the learning trajectory.
Pupils I work alongside are highly motivated as they are encouraged to reflect on their own progress and success frequently, meaning that the joy of learning becomes an intrinsic reward.
I ensure that pupils are supported appropriately and that they are provided with reasonable adjustments to allow them to engage in learning.
I pride myself on my ability to build positive relationships with students based on mutual respect, warmth and appropriate challenge.


Preferred tutoring venue:

Luke offers online tuition.

Luke's qualifications are as follows:

Year Awarding body Subject Qualification Grade
2016 University of Cambridge Postgraduate Certificate In Education (General Primary) PGCE - Prim Pass

Luke offers the following subject/s for tuition:

Subject Level
Literacy Primary
Maths Primary
English Primary
Literacy Lower Secondary
Maths Lower Secondary
English Lower Secondary
Literacy Upper Secondary
Maths Upper Secondary
English Upper Secondary
Science Primary
Common Entrance Primary, Lower Secondary

Here is some of the recent feedback Luke has received:

It’s going brilliantly thank you, Luke is FANTASTIC!

Mrs M from Norwich