Tutor Subject: Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology – Definitions Anatomy: a branch of science relating to bodily ‘structures’ of living organisms Physiology: a branch of science relating to bodily ‘functions’ of living organisms Origin of Anatomy and Physiology; the birth of Biology, also known as the study (logos) of life (bios), occurred around 500 BC. Historical scientists Herophilus, Alexandria, Erasistratus (300 BC) and Galen (200 AD) made discoveries in the field of Anatomy. In 1540, Andreas Vesalius publicly proved wrong the earlier discoveries as…
Read more… earlier discoveries as he had a breakthrough in determining human anatomy. He now is recognised as the founder of modern anatomy by most scholars. (O’Malley, 1964). Following in his footsteps, William Harvey published a book outlining the anatomy of the heart and blood vessels, along with explaining the function of these structures (Ribatti, 2009). At present, due to vast technological advancements, Anatomy and Physiology can be easily studied in laboratories using microscopes and specific diagnostic equipment.

Studying Anatomy and Physiology – what is it and where can it be studied; the purpose of this subject is to enhance students’ understanding about the structure and function of cells, organs and organ systems of living organisms. This subject can be studied as a standalone course at degree level or as a part of a medical science degree, including Medicine, Biomedical Science, Medical and Clinical Physiology. A variety of universities* offer this subject at undergraduate level: Anatomy and Human Biology BSc (Hons), BSc Anatomical Sciences and Human Physiology M-Biol, BSc. For entry onto these courses, A Level Chemistry and Biology are required. Universities also accept BTEC Level Diplomas in Applied Science in place of A Levels.

Anatomy and Physiology is also studied at GCSE and A Level. The specific courses that specialise in this subject are the Pearson Edexcel IGCSE Human Biology, OCR A Level Biology A and OCR A Level Biology B (advancing Biology).

Studying Anatomy and Physiology – what are the benefits; students will gain a variety of invaluable skills during the course of their degree. A wide range of modules employed in these courses will enable students to further their critical thinking, critical analysis and writing, communication, clinical, experimental, teamwork and leadership skills. Students who choose clinical based degrees will often be placed in teaching hospitals where they will have certain competencies marked off as they progress. These competencies include skills acquired operating medical equipment and performing diagnostic testing on real patients. Studying human Anatomy and Physiology not only enables students to provide health service and medical help/advice to other people, but it also helps the intrigued learn about their own bodily functions. This type of knowledge is invaluable since this knowledge can be turned into actions, and these actions can help improve quality of life.

Here are a few links that can help further students’ understanding of Anatomy and Physiology:

*List of some universities offering Anatomy and Physiology

Featured tutor Christine, tutor number TTT707

Featured Tutor: Christine

Location: Edmonton and also offers online tuition

An enthusiastic and motivated BSc Honours graduate from St George’s University of London, currently studying for my MSc Cardiac Physiology degree at Middlesex University and working as a full-time Cardiac Physiologist with the NHS. Tutoring for 4 years, I have a vivid passion to share my knowledge and motivate others in their learning. Throughout these …

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Anatomy & Physiology Tutors

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