External Examination Centres and tutors in Barnet, Finchley and across North London

External Examination Centres

If you are home-schooling your child, you may be considering the possibility of your son or daughter taking GCSE examinations at an external examination centre.

Below we have provided contact details of some external examination centres that are able to accept external candidates.

However, it is important to keep in mind when approaching an EEC, that they are not obliged to take any external candidates. It is you who need their help and cooperation, so you will need to follow their requirements carefully and to the letter.

It is important to decide what examinations your child will be taking and this may be based on your child’s future aspirations. Once you have identified the examinations your child will be taking you may find it useful to look at the specifications for each subject.

In terms of External Examination Centres (EEC), it is important to make sure you are studying the correct exam board syllabus (i.e. each EEC, can only sit students for the precise Exam Board/s), so once you have found an EEC willing to offer you a place to sit your exam as an external candidate, then you will know which exam board syllabus you will need to study for.

Specifications can be found on the exam board websites.  Here are a few exam boards that offer iGCSEs:

Useful links for home-educators:

Torrington Tutors – Home-school tutors

Torrington Tutors – Making the decision to Home-school

Torrington Tutors – External Examination Centres

Torrington Tutors – SEND

Barnet London Borough Council – Home-schooling

If you wish to receive any advice or enquire about tuition for home-schooling then please use our Find a tutor enquiry form or call 020 8446 3963
